Great post. Just one thing. The goatfish at times eats the angelfish, but God's care for us is one-way. Meaning, there's not much we can do for him per se, but we can -and must- represent him to all the other fish in the sea! Fishers of men! Go ye into all the world, by sea, land and air!
Submitted by God's Soldier (not verified) on
Wow! I never heard of that.It's pretty interesting.God sure is evident in His creation. Luke 16:27
Submitted by David Sullivan (not verified) on
David Sullivan liked this on Facebook.
Submitted by trutherator (not verified) on
Great post. Just one thing. The goatfish at times eats the angelfish, but God's care for us is one-way. Meaning, there's not much we can do for him per se, but we can -and must- represent him to all the other fish in the sea! Fishers of men! Go ye into all the world, by sea, land and air!
Submitted by God's Soldier (not verified) on
Wow! I never heard of that.It's pretty interesting.God sure is evident in His creation. Luke 16:27
Submitted by David Sullivan (not verified) on
David Sullivan liked this on Facebook.