Living Inductees

The Creation Science Hall of Fame honors all scientists and other creation advocates, living or dead, who help advance the understanding of God’s creation. In granting membership to living scientists, CSHOF makes no representation, nor makes any attempt to judge, whether any given creation model is correct or not. Nor does CSHOF make any attempt to judge any disputes between and among creation scientists, whether inside or outside the laboratory.

Mike Snavely

Mike SnavelyMike Snavely was reared in rural South Africa, the son of missionary parents.  His father was a bush pilot for a remote hospital station among the Zulu people.  Throughout his life he has been fascinated with wildlife and had a wide variety of interesting experiences growing up in that region, including a vast array of "pets".  After graduating from Oak Hills Christian College in Minnesota in 1979, he returned to South Africa to work for t

Larry Vardiman

Larry VardimanWhile obtaining his Ph.D., Dr. Larry Vardiman served as a research assistant at Colorado State University's Department of Atmospheric Science (1970-74) and as a consulting meteorologist at Western Scientific Services (1973-74).
