Charles Stine

Charles Stine (1882-1954) was for many years Director of Research for the E. I. duPont company. As an organic chemist with many degrees and honors, he developed many new products and patents for his company. He was a man of top eminence in his field, but also a simple believing Christian. He frequently spoke to scientific and university audiences concerning his faith and also wrote a small book entitled^ Chemist and His Bible. After a stirring exposition of the gospel and an appeal to accept Christ, Dr. Stine gave this testimony of the Creator.

The world about us, far more intricate than any watch, filled with checks and balances of a hundred varieties, mar-velous beyond even the imagination of the most skilled scientific investigator, this beautiful and intricate creation, bears the signature of its Creator, graven in its works.

Excerpted from Men of Science, Men of God by Henry M. Morris. Copyright 1982, 1988 by Henry M. Morris. Used by permission. RETURN TO LIST OF DECEASED INDUCTEES.

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