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Edward Hitchcock (1793 -1864) was one of the first American geologists of importance, making important studies on glacial geology and serving many years as a Massachusetts state geologist. He was another man strongly influenced by Timothy Dwight, having studied under Professor Silliman. He was the first, and for twenty years the only, teacher of scientific subjects at Amherst College. From 1845 until his death, he was president of Amherst serving also as professor of geology and natural theology. During his later years he also was state geologist for Vermont. He made the first detailed study of the Connecticut River Valley.
As a Christian, he was a strong creationist and a believer in natural theology. He became probably the strongest opponent of Darwinism and evolutionism in America during his later years. He preached vigorously on the theme that belief in evolution led to atheism and the grossest materialism.
Excerpted from Men of Science, Men of God by Henry M. Morris. Copyright 1982, 1988 by Henry M. Morris. Used by permission. RETURN TO LIST OF DECEASED INDUCTEES.