George Fairholme

Geology of Scripture by George FairholmeGeorge Fairholme (1789–1846) published two lengthy books on the subject of geology:

  1. General View of the Geology of Scripture (1833, illustrated at left).
  2. New and Conclusive Physical Demonstrations of the Mosaic Deluge (1837).

He also published Positions Géologiques en Vérifications Directe de la Chronologie de la Bible (1834), a booklet critically evaluating Lyell’s uniformitarianism theory. This work never appeared in English. He also wrote three other journal articles on geological issues. (See also here and here.)

George Fairholme, scriptural geologist

In 1834, he read a paper on the nature of valleys to the meeting of the main German scientific organization, and was invited to make field trips with several German scientists after that meeting, indicating the level of respect they had for his geological knowledge.1 Mortenson notes that George Fairholme engaged in extensive geological investigations, both in Great Britain and on the European continent. He collected fossils and rock specimens and studied those in the possession of museums and leading English and European geologists. He was well read in the current works of prominent geologists and other scientists of his day, and his geological writings constantly interacted with their old-earth arguments. In many cases he quoted them liberally before respectfully presenting his reasons for rejecting their interpretations of the geological evidence. In spite of Fairholme’s obvious geological competence, the three scathing published reviews of his geological writings by old-earth critics charged that Fairholme, like all the other scriptural geologists, knew nothing about geology. Yet none of his critics cited a single specific example of such ignorance. Nor did they attempt to answer his well-reasoned objections to the old-earth geological theories.2 1 Mortenson, ‘British Scriptural Geologists in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century,’ Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Coventry, 1996. 2 Ibid. Excerpted from Creation, Fall, Restoration: A Biblical Theology of Creation Copyright © Andrew S. Kulikovsky 2009. Nominated by Joe Stephen


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1 Comment

Check that off the list of tinhgs I was confused about.