James Simpson

Sir James Young Simpson. Portrait: Henry Laing Gordon.Sir James Young Simpson, First Baronet (1811-1870) was born in Scotland and was practically nurtured on the Bible. Considered by the medical profession as one of the chief founders of gynecology, he was Professor of Obstetric Medicine at Edinburgh University. However, he is best known as the discoverer of chloroform in 1847, helping to lay the foundation of modern anesthesiology. He is said to have derived the motivation for the research leading to this discovery by the record of Adam's "deep sleep" in Genesis, when Eve was formed. His greatest discovery, however, according to his own testimony, was:

That I have a Saviour!

A gospel tract written by Sir James, concludes with these words:

But again I looked and saw Jesus, my substitute, scourged in my stead and dying on the cross for me. I looked and cried and was forgiven. And it seems to be my duty to tell you of that Saviour, to see if you will not also look and live. "He was wounded for our transgressions, . . . and with His stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5,6).

Excerpted from Men of Science, Men of God by Henry M. Morris. Copyright 1982, 1988 by Henry M. Morris. Used by permission. RETURN TO LIST OF DECEASED INDUCTEES.

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