Joseph Mastropaolo

Joseph Mastropaolo B.S., M.S., Ph.D.Joseph Mastropaolo has a B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in kinesiology and a three-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship with the National Heart Institute of the National Institutes of Health in human physiology (possibly the equivalent of the European habilitation). As Aerospace Physiologist for Douglas Space Systems, he published two monographs on life in space, one for humans and one for experimental animals. He received two Vice Presidential Awards, one for Aerospace Safety and one for Aerospace Medicine. He taught biomechanics and physiology at California State University, Long Beach for 26 years and was the physiologist for the Gossamer Condor and Gossamer Albatross human powered flight projects which earned a medal in physiology from the Royal Aeronautical Society for the Kremer Cross Channel Challenge. He was principal investigator for 17 grants and has published 24 science articles in peer reviewed science journals. His peer reviewed published article on fossil bone caused 26 evolutionists to publish in Science a complete change of their claims about Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba. Their original claim in 2001 was that Ardi was a “missing link” apeman becoming human. After the fossil bone article was published, the evolutionists changed their story to Ardi was a human becoming an ape. A 200-word classical science article caused 26 evolutionists to publish a 180 degree about-face retraction thereby indicating that evolutionists don’t know whether an ape is coming or going. Joe has also served as a writer for the Creation Science Hall of Fame.

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Comment from Karl Priest

Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo passed peacefully to the Creator’s presence on Tuesday (3-24) at age 94.

I am not objective, but I can comfortably say that he is among the top ten young earth creationists to have ever lived.

Dr. Mastropaolo, at his own expense, came to Charleston, WV to help us with the Evolution Resolution battle in 1999.  I was wary at first, but was soon won over to the brilliance of Dr. Mastropaolo.  He faced down local fanatical True Believers in Evolutionism and concluded his visit with a brief speech to the Kanawha County Board of Education.

The next year, Dr. Mastropaolo, after an all-night drive from Atlanta due to a missed flight, supported me at an all-day hearing for my grievance.

The next years had Dr. Mastropaolo challenging multiple True Believers in Evolutionism to a debate he called the Life Science Prize (also known as the Life Science Trial).  It caused quite a stir across the nation with the embarrassment of many leading True Believers in Evolutionism including Dr. Richard Dawkins.

During the exchanges with the True Believers in Evolutionism I accumulated several quotes by Dr. Mastropaolo and called them “Joe’s Gems”.

Dr. Mastropaolo was a true scientist.  He had a Ph.D. in kinesiology and did Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in human physiology. As Aerospace Physiologist for Douglas Space Systems, he published two monographs on life in space, one for humans and one for experimental animals. He taught biomechanics and physiology at California State University, Long Beach for 26 years and was the physiologist for the Gossamer Condor  and Albatross human powered flight projects which earned a medal in physiology from the Royal Aeronautical Society for the Kremer cross channel challenge. He taught comparative physiology for the Institute for Creation Research.

The designer of the Gossamer Albatross, the first human-powered aircraft to fly across the English Channel said this about Dr. Mastropaolo’s training of the pilot:  “Professor Joe Mastropaolo, who helped him train to build up his stamina. He was a good bicyclist, but he hadn't been doing Olympic training. He worked at it very hard, and Mastropaolo, I think, gave him the real spirit, the attitude that you just don't quit.” 

That attitude, “don’t quit” exemplifies Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo.

The image below is perfect, especially the motto.

Dr. Mastropaolo never quit commending the Creator.