Living Inductee

living inductee to CSHF

Barry Setterfield

Barry Setterfield Barry Setterfield is a creation scientist whose stated goal is to let data lead to theory. He participated in November 1965 in a project to find a location for the largest telescope for the Southern Hemisphere which was being planned for Australia.

Patrick Roy

Patrick RoyPatrick Roy was the Director of Broadcast and Radio for 12 years with Institute for Creation Research and was very instrumental in the program: Science Scripture and Salvation, by Dr. John Morris.

Gerald Bergman

Dr. BergmanDr. Gerald R. "Jerry" Bergman has taught for several decades at the college level. He has authored over 800 publications in a dozen languages, and 20 books and monographs. He is a contributor to dozens of textbooks, and a consultant for over 20 science text books, mostly biology and biochemistry.

Bob Enyart

Bob Enyart Bob trusted in Jesus Christ as his Savior in 1973 and since January 2000 pastors Denver Bible Church.

Paul Abramson

Paul AbramsonPaul is the founder and editor of: which now has introductions to Creation Science in almost 60 languages, about 350 creation theory articles, and over two dozen complete books and direct links to over 140 other major creation theory web sites (along with a few main evolutionism sites).

Russ McGlenn

Russ McGlennOften called Mr. Science by his students, Russ McGlenn is a theology major, Christian Ed & missions minor, game inventor, Creation Science teacher, explorer, dinosaur hunter, photographer, and national camp, school, and seminar speaker.  He specializes in hands on demonstrations of the truths of God’s Word.

Meet Mr. Science, Russ McGlenn of Adventure Safaris

Mike Snavely

Mike SnavelyMike Snavely was reared in rural South Africa, the son of missionary parents.  His father was a bush pilot for a remote hospital station among the Zulu people.  Throughout his life he has been fascinated with wildlife and had a wide variety of interesting experiences growing up in that region, including a vast array of "pets".  After graduating from Oak Hills Christian College in Minnesota in 1979, he returned to South Africa to work for t

Vance Ferrell

Vance FerrellVance Ferrell was raised in San Francisco, Calif. He has been a very studious man who had 22 yrs of formal education. He received a BA in 1955 from Pacific Union College (Angwin, Calif.). 1965 he received a MA from the Potomac University in (Washington DC). In 1958 he received a BD from Andrews University (Berrien Springs, Mich.).

C. Gerald Van Dyke

C. Gerald Van Dyke, PhDC. Gerald Van Dyke, PhD, is a Professor Emeritus in Botany from North Carolina State University. He taught biology courses and is a creationist. He took his position on creation where it was not a popular position to take, in the biology department of a state university.


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