Creation reborn


I have copyrighted a book titled, "Modern Day Noah-
Revelation at Boggy Creek - E-Mail from the Ark" © 1990-2013

This book reveals the "Pattern" that allows God's messages on
the Rosetta stone (196 B.C.) to be read in the English language although the
ancient Egyptians carved messages into the stone in three different
Languages (Hieroglyphics that mixed phonetic and symbolic meanings) The Pattern is the same as Sir Isaac Newton's "Cryptogram of the Almighty"

The Pattern is made up of three parts - KEYS-DOOR-DATA

The first revelation is a KEY - the HEBREW symbol for GOD clustered with the Word -GOD - The name - JESUS-clustered with the words found in Isaiah 7:11

Read Isaiah 7:11 - This Scripture is the opening KEY
Read Revelation 10-7-11 - "In the Days of the Voice of the Seventh Angel"

We all seek SIGNS- Jesus is now revealing these signs in the 21st century -

My 23rd copyrighted book is titled- "Signs of the Times - Time of the Signs"