Deceased Inductees

The Creation Science Hall of Fame recognizes scientists, living or dead, who have contributed to our understanding of creation and the Creator. Modern science began with the Renaissance, so the Hall of Fame begins there also.

Jack Cuozzo

Jack Cuozzo, DDSJack Cuozzo, DDS, MS (1937-23 March 2017) trained in and practiced orthodontics for thirty-one years in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. He also applied his orthodontic training and experience to the study of Neanderthal fossils. He showed that Neanderthal Man was never an ape or anything like it. Neanderthal Man was just that: man. 

Georges Cuvier

Georges Chrétien Léopold Dagobert Cuvier (1769-1832) was one of the greatest anatomists and paleontologists; in fact, he is considered to be the founder of the science of comparative anatomy and one of the chief architects of paleontology as a separate scientific discipline. He was the chief advocate of the theory of multiple catastrophism, believing the Flood to be the last in a series of global castastrophes in earth history. He was a firm creationist, even participating in important creation/evolution debates.

John Dalton

 John Dalton (1766-1844) was born in a Quaker family and was a practicing Quaker all his life, during a time when Quakers were all known as orthodox and pious Bible-believing Christians. Throughout his life, he was known as a godly man, of very simple tastes and life-style. In science, he is best recognized today as the father of modern atomic theory, which revolutionized the study of chemistry.

James Dwight Dana

James Dwight Dana (1813 -1895) was an American geologist, successor at Yale to Professor Silliman (whose daughter he married) and author of many influential books on geology and mineralogy. He was an early president of both the Geological Society of America and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Although he became partly convinced of evolutionism, he continued to believe in Biblical Christianity.

L. Merson Davies

Lewis Merson Davies (1890-1960) , long an active participant in England's Evolution Protest Movement, was a strong conservative Christian and Bible student. He held both a Ph.D. and D. Sc. in geology and was a working geologist and paleontologist for about 30 years, publishing many significant articles in British geological journals. He participated in a number of creation/evolution debates with such leading British evolutionists as J. B. S. Haldane and others. He also published at least one widely used book defending the scientific inerrancy of the Bible.

Humphry Davy

Sir Humphry Davy, First Baronet (1778-1829), was one of the great chemists of this period, the man under whom Faraday served as apprentice and who inspired Faraday to devote his life to science. Sir Humphry was the first to isolate many important chemical elements, to develop the motion theory of heat, to invent the safety lamp, and to demonstrate that diamond is carbon, along with many other vital contributions.

John William Dawson

John William DawsonSir John William Dawson CMG, FRS, FRSC (1820 -1899) was the greatest of the early Canadian geologists, contributing significantly to the elucidation of the geology of Canada.

Jean-André Deluc

Jean-André DelucJean-André Deluc (1727-1817) was a Swiss naturalist and physicist who studied geology and actually coined the word "geology." He was strongly committed to the Genesis record of creation and the worldwide flood. He and his father developed the modern mercury thermometer and the hygrometer.

William Derham

William Derham (1657-1735) was one of the Boyle lecturers, his treatise (Physico-Theology) being a strong exposition of purposive design in nature by the God of the Bible. He was probably the first writer to argue for the study of science as a stewardship from God, very much in the vein of modern ecology. In a sense, he could be considered the father of ecology.

Excerpted from Men of Science, Men of God by Henry M. Morris. Copyright 1982, 1988 by Henry M. Morris. Used by permission.

Douglas Dewar

Douglas Dewar (1875 -1957) was a founder of the Evolution Protest Movement in London in 1932 and was a long-time leader of this organization. He had been a graduate of Cambridge in Natural Science and was an evolutionist in his early career, even authoring books on evolution. He had a distinguished career in India, both in politics and as a naturalist and ornithologist, authoring more than 20 books on the birds and the history of India. After he became a Christian and creationist, when he was about 50 years of age, he wrote numerous papers and books expounding the scientific basis of creationism.
