Deceased Inductees

The Creation Science Hall of Fame recognizes scientists, living or dead, who have contributed to our understanding of creation and the Creator. Modern science began with the Renaissance, so the Hall of Fame begins there also.

Gregor Mendel

Gregor MendelGregor Johann Mendel (1822 -1884) may seem out of place in this list at first, since we know little of his personal beliefs. However, he chose a monastic calling at a time when this certainly included belief in the basic doctrines of Christianity. He was a creationist and rejected Darwin's evolutionary ideas, although he was quite familiar with them.

Samuel Miller

Samuel Miller. Contemporary portrait.Samuel Miller (1770-1840) was a Presbyterian minister who wrote a definitive and very influential history of the scientific advances in the eighteenth century, a two-volume work entitled Brief Retrospect of the Eighteenth Century.

Jedidiah Morse

Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826) was a godly Congregational minister and father of Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the telegraph. He was also the leading geographer of America during his lifetime. He wrote the first American textbook of geography, almost universally used in the schools of the day and going through 25 editions, many of them after his death.

John Murray

John Murray (1808 -1892), though not a scientist himself, was the head of the most important publishing firm in England, responsible for the publication of many scientific books, most notably those of Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin. He also wrote many books himself, including at least one (Skepticism in Geology) vigorously and effectively refuting Lyell's uniformitarianism.

Excerpted from Men of Science, Men of God

Richard Owen

Sir Richard OwenSir Richard Owen (1804 -1892) was one of the strongest scientific opponents of Darwinism during the age of Darwin, writing many articles and delivering many lectures against the ideas of natural selection that were gaining currency at the time.

James Parkinson

James Parkinson (1755-1824) was an English physician who made a number of significant medical discoveries. These included recognition of the nature and danger of a perforated appendix, and first describing the condition known ever since as "Parkinson's disease." He was also an ardent amateur geologist, apparently the first to recognize the plant origin of coal. He also wrote extensively on the Biblical flood and its geological effects, especially in the formation of coal and oil.

Excerpted from Men of Science, Men of God by Henry M. Morris. Copyright 1982, 1988 by Henry M. Morris. Used by permission.

James Bell Pettigrew

James Bell Pettigrew (1834 -1908) was author of a well-known 19th century treatise on "Design in Nature," which was a real classic in this field. Even though Pettigrew allowed for evolution, He amassed a tremendous amount of evidence for design. He was one of the outstanding anatomists and physiologists of the 19th century, serving as president of the Royal Medical Society and authoring over 15 significant volumes in his disciplines.

George McCready Price

George McCready Price (1870 - 1963) was a predecessor of modern day creationists. He was a proponent of Flood geology as well as a disbeliever in evolution. Henry  Morris, of ICR, wrote of reading Price's book The New Geology as "a life-changing experience." 1

William Prout

William Prout (1785-1850) authored one of the Bridgewater Treatises: Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion, Considered with Reference to Natural Theology. As a chemist and physiologist, he was an early leader in the sciences of nutrition and digestion, and was the first to identify basic foodstuffs as fats, proteins and carbohydrates. He is best known, however, for recognizing that the atomic weights of elements could be identified as a series of relative whole numbers.
