Vance Ferrell

Vance FerrellVance Ferrell was raised in San Francisco, Calif. He has been a very studious man who had 22 yrs of formal education. He received a BA in 1955 from Pacific Union College (Angwin, Calif.). 1965 he received a MA from the Potomac University in (Washington DC). In 1958 he received a BD from Andrews University (Berrien Springs, Mich.). Throughout the years Vance Ferrell has been in love with his Creator and compelled to defend a loving Heavenly Father. Vance Ferrell has spent much time doing extensive research in the fields of botany, biology, geology and other sciences. Creation writing began in 1992

Vance Ferrell's publications

The first books were a 8 1/2 X 11 paperback series entitled Evolution Disproved Series: Vol  #1 Origin of the Universe (231 page count) Vol #2 Origin of Life (730 page count) Vol #3 Other Evidence against Evolution (1168 page count) This was followed by the Evolution Cruncher paperback title, renamed Evolution Handbook (992 page count). Science v. Evolution Hardback (1008 page count) has also been printed. A new creation book has been written and is at the publishing house at this time… Evolution Shattered (paperback, 544 page count) this new edition will contain:

  • Over 2000 scientific facts which annihilate evolutionary theory
  • 473 scientific quotations or references
  • 108 illustrations (many full color)
  • 62 powerful nature facts


Evolution Facts Inc. PO Box 300 Altamont, TN 37301 931-692-2777 / bestbooks777 [at] RETURN TO LIST OF LIVING INDUCTEES

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