Bob Enyart

Bob Enyart Bob trusted in Jesus Christ as his Savior in 1973 and since January 2000 pastors Denver Bible Church. Before hosting a talk show Bob worked for McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company designing simulation software for the Army’s Apache AH-64 attack helicopter, and then worked as a computer analyst for U S West, Microsoft, and PC Week. Bob eventually left his computing career for full-time Christian outreach. He has promoted creation science through his Real Science Radio program, as well as his sites on the Web, which include Real Science Radio. He has compiled lots of reference material for creation science, in addition to RSR. They include, and  material on dinosaur soft tissue, for example, at Bob Enyart has interviewed, participated in back and forth written public discussion, and spoken publicly with may evolutionists and creation scientists, including  NCSE’s Eugenie Scott and Scientific American’s Michael Shermer, Steve Austin,  Jurassic Park's real-world paleontologist Jack Horner, and hundreds of other significant scientists and others. He has aired more than 5,000 radio and TV shows. RETURN TO LIST OF LIVING INDUCTEES

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