Robert Carter

Robert Carter

Dr Robert W. Carter

(objected to his induction)


  • 2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology
  • 1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, B.S. Applied Biology

Professional Experience

  • Between my undergraduate and graduate work, I spent four years teaching high school science at a large college-prep school in NW Georgia. In addition to my teaching load (including AP biology, chemistry, physics, and electronics), I spent the winter months coaching the swimming and diving teams and the summer months running the outdoor high adventure program.
  • In 1996, I was awarded the three-year Maytag doctoral fellowship by the University of Miami. When that expired, I received a one-year fellowship from the Institute for Marine Science. While working on my PhD, I designed and performed many experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering and helped to develop new protocols for the rapid cloning of fluorescent protein genes. The green and red fluorescent proteins my coworker and I cloned from hard and soft corals were used to create transgenic zebrafish. We patented one of these protein genes and licensed it to Promega, Inc. under the trade name ‘Monster Green’.
  • From 2001-2004, I helped design and build an aquaculture facility for Caribbean corals at UM’s Experimental Fish Hatchery. During these years I also performed over 500 research dives on the shallow coral reefs of the Florida Keys and Bahamas. Many of these were done at night to study the mass coral spawning episodes that happen at specific times during the warm summers.
  • I spent two years after obtaining my PhD working for an engineering company, mainly focused on impact mitigation for the Key West Harbor dredging project (since the channel runs right through the coral reef).
  • Upon leaving Miami, I was hired by the Institute for Creation Research to help on their GENE project. While there, I wrote computer programs to analyze human genetic data and managed to get one publication on this work into the secular literature.
  • In 2006, I was hired by Creation Ministries International as a scientist, speaker, and writer.

Publications and Patents

  • Carter RW (2007) Mitochondrial diversity within modern human populations. Nucleic Acids Research 35(9):3039–3045.
  • Gibbs PDL, Carter RW, and Schmale MC (2007) Fluorescent Proteins from Aquatic Species. US Patent #7,291,711.
  • Carter RW, Schmale MS, and Gibbs PDL (2004) Cloning of anthozoan fluorescent protein genes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 138:259–270.
  • Carter RW (2003) Cnidarian Fluorescent Proteins. PhD Dissertation. University of Miami.
  • Manica A, Carter RW (2000) Morphological and fluorescence analysis of the Montastraea annularis species complex in Florida. Marine Biology 137:899–906.

Articles specifically on creation

  1. Is ‘mitochondrial Eve’ consistent with the biblical Eve?
  2. Platypus thumbs its nose (or bill) at evolutionary scientists
  3. Darwin’s dying legacy
  4. Taking a crack at the Neandertal mitochondrial genome
  5. The slow, painful death of junk DNA
  6. An Ancient textile factory?
  7. A gentle answer; and the latest on “mitochondrial Eve”
  8. Neandertal genome like ours (There may be Neandertals at your next family reunion!)
  9. Splicing and dicing the human genome: Scientists begin to unravel the splicing code
  10. The Neutral Model of evolution and recent African origins
  11. CMI ministers in the Caribbean
  12. CMI scientific blunder?
  13. The chimpanzee Y chromosome is radically different from human
  14. Y-chromosome Adam and Cambrian explosion
  15. Corals, genes and creation
  16. Darwin’s Lamarckism vindicated?
  17. Five concise responses to atheistic arguments
  18. NCSE Gives ‘Favorable’ Review of The Voyage the Shook the World
  19. Genetics and geographical distribution
  20. How does Göbekli Tepe fit with biblical history?
  21. The Non-Mythical Adam and Eve! Refuting errors by Francis Collins and BioLogos
  22. Can mutations create new information?
  23. Could Adam and Eve have given rise to all the ‘races’?
  24. Genetic entropy and human lifespans
  25. Genetic Entropy and Simple Organisms
  26. Calibrating carbon dating


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