Submitted by Temlakos on
C. Gerald Van Dyke, PhD, is a Professor Emeritus in Botany from North Carolina State University. He taught biology courses and is a creationist. He took his position on creation where it was not a popular position to take, in the biology department of a state university.
Gerald Van Dyke – work and creation related endeavors
For 40+ years Gerald Van Dyke has spoken about creation, in churches and other venues. For 30+ years he has been an active member of the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation (TASC). He is a co-founder and charter member, and has served as a member and chairman of its Board of Directors. For 25 years he served as faculty adviser to Campus Crusade for Christ at North Carolina State University. For 38 years he taught at NCSU. He won every teaching award that institution made. The school’s alumni recognied him as the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor of Botany. He helped found North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE), whose “offices” during the early years were actually located at his home.
Brief curriculum vitae for Gerald Van Dyke
From the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation:
History and Family
- Born: February 4, 1941 - Effingham, Illinois
- Family: 5 daughters, 19 Grandchildren
- B. S. in Education, Eastern Illinois University 1963 – Botany
- M.S. & Ph.D., University of Illinois 1966 & 1968 – Plant Pathology
Professional Experience
- 1968-2006: Professor of Botany & Plant Pathology, Teaching and Research at NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY
Graduate Courses
- The Fungi and Biological Control of Weeds
Undergraduate Courses
- Intro. Biology
- Plant Life
- Kingdom of Fungi
- Biocontrol of Weeds
- Fungal Ultrastructure & Host-parasite Interactions
Memberships in Professional Societies
- American Phytopathological Society
- North Carolina Academy of Science
- Creation Research Society
- Society of Sigma Xi
- Mycological Society of America
- Weed Science Soc. of NC
Teaching and Advising Awards & Grants
- University Outstanding Teacher 1994-1995 (NCSU)
- Member of Academy of Outstanding Teachers
- Teaching Fellow National Association of College of Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA)
- Outstanding Faculty Adviser (NCSU, College of Ag. & Life Sciences) 1995-96
- Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor, NCSU 1995
- Board of Governors’ Award for Excellence in Teaching 2005-2006 (Highest teaching award given in the UNC University System)
University and Department of Botany Activities
- Graduate Director (1990-97)
- Teaching Coordinator
- Undergraduate Advisor
- scheduling officer
- various committees related to research and teaching (locally and nationally)
Scientific Activities
- Over 50 articles and abstracts including a book chapter
- Many presentations at scientific meetings including, VII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (Rome, Italy, 1988)
Other Activities
- Numerous Bible and Creation studies, seminars, conferences, readings, etc.
- Secretary/Treasurer Board of Ladakh Development Foundation, Mission program to India
- Faculty Adviser to Campus Crusade for Christ at NCSU for 25 years
- Past Chairman (presently Board Member) of Triangle Association for Science of Creation (TASC)
- Active creation speaker in churches, civic groups, public & private schools, colleges, universities, for past 40+ years
- Volunteering at
- Active Wood Carver
1 Comment
Submitted by ecoates (not verified) on
Dr. Van Dyke and I share a very unusual relationship in that he taught my freshman biology course at NC State University in the fall of 1970. I never had him in another course nor did I even so much as see him again to speak to him in the five years I was at NCSU. Yet he was the only professor I sat under whose full name I remembered, and I only remembered one or two other professors' last names. Continuing to be a church-goer (but an unsaved one it turned out) after graduation I read my Bible regularly until one day in 1989 I realized that I didn't believe it. I asked God to show me why, and He did so lot long after by revealing to me dramatically that Genesis is true and that the evolution I had learned in college was a lie and was the reason for my unbelief. I was saved soon thereafter. Non long after my salvation I was listening to a Christian radio station in Raleigh, NC one day as I was driving to a work site and heard an advertisement for the Triangle Association for Scientific Creation (the organization's name at the time). The announcer stated that the speaker at the upcoming meeting would be Gerald Van Dyke! I remember yelling out loud something Like, "Dr. Van Dyke's a creationist!" I attended the meeting and introduced myself to Dr. Van Dyke and we kept in contact at TASC meetings. He truly is a remarkable and godly man. He has mentioned his teaching awards at speaking engagements but has never made them a topic of discussion, so I never knew exactly what those awards were until reading them on your website. He did not even mention his membership in the Hall of Fame. Dr. Van Dyke is even more remarkable than I knew and I respect him even more in knowing the extent of his humility before our Lord. I count him as a mentor in the faith as well as a friend and brother in Christ. His membership in the Creation Science Hall of Fame is obviously well deserved.